Capacity building project

A day of reflection on October 6, 2018

A day of strategic reflection was organized by a working committee. This day was created as a follow-up to the 25th anniversary meeting of PEPINES, where an initial reflection on its future was raised. Indeed, since 2015, the year of the abolition of CRÉs in Quebec, PEPINES no longer receives funding for its mission. Representation work with this regional development authority should be reoriented towards a new structure that would be put in place.

Several ideas for self-financing emerged, including the establishment of a social economy enterprise. Three working committees were set up: a fundraising committee, a social economy committee and a communication committee.

The social economy committee was activated more quickly following the filing with Status of Women Canada (CFC) of a request for funding for the implementation of a project to develop a social economy component.

Social economy project to build capacity

The main objective is to diversify funding sources to improve the financial health of the organization. This objective would be achieved by creating a social economy enterprise whose mission is to sell products that promote equality between women and men.
PEPINES is dependent on government subsidies which are not always recurrent. The organization wishes to be able to financially support part of its projects using own-source revenue. The organization has chosen to start a social economy enterprise with the aim of developing its financial autonomy, as well as continuing to promote equality, as well as the development of women’s capacities through female entrepreneurship. CFC funding will be used to pay a person in charge of starting the business. The project will be national in scope.
A four-year grant from 2019 to 2023 was granted for $196,820.

New image and new era

The organization had the support of external resources for the various stages that would have led to the start of the social economy enterprise. However, the results of the market study led to a significant change in the process of creating a social economy enterprise. Market research has shown that this avenue is not viable.

The results of the market study were an opportunity for PEPINES to review its objectives and more broadly its strategic plan. Key ideas emerged from these exercises. PEPINES has, among other things, revisited its mission, its values and its brand image. These efforts have made it possible to identify 5 areas of action, around which the Board of Directors is currently mobilizing to develop initiatives.

Major reflections are still underway to enable PEPINES to better respond to its mission and thus ensure the achievement of a new social equity. The final results of this project are yet to come.

Pour des informations supplémentaires

Nicole Charette, directrice générale par intérim
(819) 437-0722

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