On December 1, 2023, at 11:30 AM, we cordially invite you to our Annual General Meeting (AGM) at Café 440 in Sherbrooke. This is a unique opportunity to learn about our projects from 2022-2023, including the Parity + EDI Challenge, the Sectoral Agreement, and the Capacity Strengthening Project. We will also unveil our new website and conduct the traditional board of directors’ election.

Finally, following the AGM will feature the panel discussion “Women in Municipal Politics: Barriers, Discrimination, and Perspectives,” with Émilie Rouleau, Pr Joanie Bouchard, and Francine Caron Markwell, moderated by Martine Charest. This panel aims to reflect on the evolution of women’s roles in the municipal sphere, focusing on the obstacles they face when entering politics and the discrimination experienced during their mandates. The panel will conclude with potential pathways to eliminate these barriers.

Register HERE!

Board of Directors Nominations: Six board positions are open for election. Involvement mainly takes the form of attendance at Board meetings and participation in at least one working committee. Meetings are held on a monthly basis, and are an opportune time to discuss and reflect on the organization’s collective development.
For more information, please contact Nicole Charette at info@pepines.com.
Café 440: 146 Rue Wellington S, Sherbrooke, QC J1H 5C7
Park on level SS1 of the Well-Sud Parking, 55 Rue du Dépôt, Sherbrooke, J1H 5E9. An elevator is available to take you directly to Wellington Sud.
Join us for a pivotal moment in our democratic commitment. Your presence matters. Register now and prepare for a memorable AGM!