Activity calendar


December 1, 2023

Annual General Meeting and panel discussion on the difficulties faced by women in politics
PEPINES invites you to its AGM at Café 440 to present its activity report. The Assembly will be followed by a feminist panel addressing the issues faced by women in politics and possible solutions. The panel will be moderated by Martine Charest and will feature three panelists:
– Joanie Bouchard, Professor of Political Science at the Université de Sherbrooke;
– Émilie Rouleau, founder of Affaires politiques;
– Francine Caron Markwell, former mayor of Stanstead Township.
Length of activity: 3h including lunch served on site.
Café 440 in Sherbrooke from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. including lunch

January 25, 2024 and February 1, 2023

Ateliers de formation de coaching pour (ex)élues (inscription requise) par Corine Markey
Are you an active elected official or have you decided to retire and would like to make a different contribution?
PEPINES invites you to take part in a two-session workshop led by Corine Markey, trainer and professional coach, to train you to accompany novices or experienced elected representatives.
Training time: 6 hours (2 x 3h)
Online: 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm

February 23, 2023

Workshop on parity at municipal level
PEPINES, in collaboration with the Groupe Femmes, Politique et Démocratie, invites you to a brainstorming session on how to achieve parity on municipal councils. This activity includes an overview of the current situation and workshops aimed at brainstorming possible solutions for achieving parity at municipal level. Come and share your ideas to improve our democracy!
Here’s a sneak preview of what’s in store:

  • GFPD presentation of the municipal situation
  • Workshops in small groups
  • Dinner pay
    Feedback from the workshops

Duration: around 6 hours, including lunch served on site.


March 8, 2024

Activity for International Women’s Day
Coming soon

March 28, 2024

Public speaking” training (Registration required)
As part of your responsibilities, you may be asked to act as a moderator or speaker. Do you experience stress before, during and after your presentation? How would you like to speak in public with ease? This course, given by Corine Markey, is aimed at elected representatives who wish to develop or perfect their presentation skills.
The aim of the training is to increase your ease and pleasure in public speaking, through nervousness management, preparation and use of material.
Online: 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm

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