Team & Board of Directors

Nicole Charette
Nicole CharetteActing General Manager
With a degree in linguistics, Nicole Charette has worked in academia, culture and the community. Concerned with the environment, equality and citizen participation, she has served on a number of decision-making bodies, including the Conférence régionale des élus de l’Estrie, and in the municipal sector as Director General. For the past two terms, she has been a municipal councillor in Piopolis.
As a self-employed worker, she has been a trainer, presenter and facilitator for various projects and activities. Nicole Charette is a visionary and an idealist who has set up many original and unifying projects.
Since 2020, she has been a project manager for PEPINES, where she has set up citizen participation projects funded by Sherbrooke, collectivité accueillante. She is now in charge of the Défi parité + EDI project. She is now in charge of the Parity Challenge + EDI project.
Pascale Salvail
Pascale SalvailProject Manager
Having just completed a master’s degree in Applied Political Studies, Pascale Salvail specializes in governance and stakeholders’ effective power of influence. . She believes that the participation and involvement of a diversity of women in their communities and power structures is an important step in building a society where women’s needs are met, and decisions reflect them.
Involved with the PEPINES Board of Directors since 2019, Pascale has continued her commitment as a project manager since 2023. Among other things, she contributes to communications and editorial initiatives, and provides support for ongoing projects.
Pascale’s professional experience includes working as a B2B marketing project manager for a consulting firm. There, she was responsible for writing and managing communications, organizing events and managing pro-bono support projects for NGOs facing organizational or transformational challenges.
Véronique Labelle
Véronique LabelleProject Agent
Joan Westland
Joan WestlandPresident
Joan Westland has extensive international experience in community development, and a distinguished career as a consultant in the fields of social policy, employment equity, barrier-free design, inclusion and human rights promotion. She has also been a Canadian delegate to the United Nations Economic and Social Commission and has participated in various United Nations expert group meetings.
First elected in 1982, and re-elected in 1988, Joan became the first woman mayor of Bolton Est. She remained in office until 2009. She was re-elected in 2013 by acclamaitionacclamation and remained in office until 2021. She became President of PEPINES in 2022.
In addition to her role as President of P.E.P.I.N.E.S., Joan provides coaching support to elected officials through the Fédéeration Québécoise des Municipalités; She is involved in international municipal leadership projects with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and is on the board of the Three Pines Foundation.
Caroline Guillette
Caroline GuilletteVice-president
Caroline Guillette is a woman who takes civic involvement to heart, and deeply believes in the impact of small steps in building a better society. This is what motivated her involvement with PEPINES, the desire to improve the lives of women in her community. After several years’ experience sitting on various local and national boards, she joined the PEPINES board.
Caroline holds a Bachelor of Science in Education from the Université de Sherbrooke. For more than five years, she was Executive Director of La Rose des vents de l’Estrie, a community health organization in Sherbrooke, helping people with cancer.
Suzie Giroux
Suzie GirouxTreasurer
A Sherbrooke native and MBA graduate, Suzie Giroux joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 1979. After a 25-year career with the Société des alcools du Québec-SAQ, she worked for 10 years in financial services, advising on retirement planning, insurance and investments. In 1990, she became a residential property owner, which she has managed ever since.
The youngest of 10 children, Suzie grew up in a traditional farming environment. It was in this environment that she first became acutely aware of gender inequalities. Suzie is involved with a number of volunteer organizations, including Greeter’s. . She has served on two school boards, the Réseau des femmes d’affaires and three boards of directors: the Fondation de Séminaire de Sherbrooke, Femmes et politique municipale and PEPINES. Suzie has been involved with PEPINES for 8 years as treasurer, and has always found it important to give women the tools to reach places of power and take part in decision-making.
Annie Godbout
Annie GodboutSecretary
Passionate about governance, economic and social development Annie Godbout was elected city councillor in the Rock Forest district in 2013. During her first two terms, she chaired the City of Sherbrooke’s Intercultural Relations and Diversity Committee. It’s a file she led with passion, proactivity and humanism, including the Dialogue+ project, which was implemented across five cities in Canada, and the “On se ressemble plus qu’on pense” awareness campaign. She also co-chaired the economic development policy committee, during which she spearheaded the transformation of governance into economic development for the City of Sherbrooke.
In addition, she initiated various family-friendly activities in her borough, including the Grande journée des petits entrepreneurs gathering, now Expérience Jeun’Entreprendre and Mi-Vallon en fête.
In her professional life, Annie Godbout has over twenty-five years’ experience in the information technology and communications sector, more specifically as a strategist for web communications agencies. She currently works at the Université de Sherbrooke.
Esthelle Larouche
Esthelle LaroucheDirector
A PEPINES administrator since 2022, Esthelle Larouche has over 35 years’ experience with the Quebec government. During this time, she also held the positions of Steward and President of the Eastern Townships Union Section for the Syndicat de la Fonction Publique et parapublique du Québec (SFPQ). She holds a bachelor’s degree in political science, a major in law and a certificate in journalism from the Universities of Sherbrooke, Montreal and Quebec.
From 2013 to 2018, Esthelle was elected municipal councillor in Ste-Cécile de Whitton and pro-mayor from 2017-2018. She was president of the board of directors of “Ma place en politique” in 2013. That same year, Esthelle co-founded and chaired the Lac Mégantic Accorderie until 2018. Between 2013 and 2018, she sat on various NGO boards, notably Granit Action, CDC du Granit, Relais-Rural and Culture du Cœur. Since 2018, she has been a director of the East Angus FADOQ and continues to volunteer with Héma-Québec, Service d’aide aux néo-canadiens and other organizations. Since 2013, she has been president of the Eastern Townships and Granit region for the Red Cross (philanthropy sector).
Francine Caron Markwell
Francine Caron MarkwellDirector
Marie-Ève Sirois
Marie-Ève SiroisDirector

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