Parity in decision-making places

For the years 2022 to 2024, the Secrétariat à la condition féminine has decided to expand its 2019-2021 pilot project for the Sectoral Agreement on Gender Equality to more regions Estrie remains one of the targeted regions. As in the old version, ConcertAction Femmes Estrie remains the group managing the projects.

This time, PEPINES promotes a project entitled Parity in places of power. The objectives of the project are on one hand to mentor and support elected municipal officials in the Eastern Townships to maintain female representation there. On the other hand, the project wants to feed and promote La Cuvée, a pairing platform between women interested in sitting on boards of directors and organizations or companies looking for women to join.

Activity from November 3, 2022

At its annual general meeting in Sherbrooke, the organization organized a panel of elected women. At this panel discussion moderated by Martine Charest, four elected women looked back on their first year in office and discussed the difficulties they had encountered, the successes they had achieved and the new things they had learned. Vinciane Peeters, Mayor of Bolton-Est, Annie Godbout, Borough President of Brompton-Rock Forest-Saint-Élie-Deauville, Laure Letarte-Lavoie, Borough Councillor of Fleurimont and Fernanda Luz, Borough Councillor of Jacques-Cartier spoke to us about their experience. This enriching exchange enabled us to gain a better understanding of the experiences of elected women, and prompted us to reflect on the obstacles they face. The event also provided an opportunity for networking among the region’s elected representatives.

Activity from March 9, 2023

To mark International Women’s Rights Day, P.E.P.I.N.E.S. paid tribute to the mayors of the Estrie region, past and present. To mark the occasion, P.E.P.I.N.E.S. was honoured to welcome Colette Roy-Laroche, former mayor of Lac-Mégantic. She talked about her career path, the projects of which she is particularly proud, and the people who have inspired or supported her during her three mandates.

The mayors in attendance had also completed a questionnaire to identify one of their own achievements and share an anecdote about their term of office. The event took place at the Sherbrooke Golf Club in a 5-7 format. Over 60 people attended. All the MRCs in the Estrie region were represented, and some municipalities even invited several members of their municipal council to take part in the event.

Activity from June 1, 2023

At the Club Les Elles du pouvoir event in Granby on June 1, 2023, P.E.P.I.N.E.S. had the opportunity to organize a networking activity for elected women from the Eastern Townships. Over dinner, a number of current and former female elected representatives shared their experiences and discussed ways of attracting women to municipal politics.


For further information

Nicole Charette, Acting General Manager
(819) 349-4617

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